Justin Katz
On the construction site, once, I listened to the foreman and lead carpenter over a couple days try to figure out a complicated roofing system. After the second day, I went home and took a hot shower, drawing the math in the steam on the tile walls. The next morning, I called out the solution to the foreman from the ground, and we finished the roof together. From then on, I took on challenges the company faced for which prior experience wasn’t much help. Learning in order to overcome is what I do.

When nobody in your organization knows how to solve a problem. Do you...
(A) ignore the opportunity,
(B) rebuild your organization around the problem, or
(C) hire an expensive specialist?
None of the above. We can figure it out together!

Justin Katz
On the construction site, once, I listened to the foreman and lead carpenter over a couple days try to figure out a complicated roofing system. After the second day, I went home and took a hot shower, drawing the math in the steam on the tile walls. The next morning, I called out the solution to the foreman from the ground, and we finished the roof together. From then on, I took on challenges the company faced for which prior experience wasn’t much help. Learning in order to overcome is what I do.

When nobody in your organization knows how to solve a problem. Do you...
(A) ignore the opportunity,
(B) rebuild your organization around the problem, or
(C) hire an expensive specialist?
None of the above. We can figure it out together!